United Nations Panel Focuses on Evolving Investment Fund Landscape in DR Capital Markets
April 22, 2014
On Thursday, May 8, 2014, the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library Auditorium is to be the venue to celebrate one of the many cultural and educational activities of Dominican Week 2014 (Semana Dominicana). In order to mark this occasion, GFDD and FUNGLODE are again teaming with the Dominican Mission to the UN, American Chamber of Commerce DR(AMCHAMDR), and Dominicans on Walls Street (DOWS) to announce a discussion entitled:
"Focus on the Dominican Capital Markets: Taking a Closer Look at the Local Investment Fund Landscape."
The event, which will start at 6:00pm prompt, is designed to demostrate how the DR is evolving in the development of its capital markets, with
the aims of achieving high solvency in the banking sector, improving the institutional framework for the management of public debt and continued steady growth in the value of private bonds and pension funds.
This high level panel consisting of the influential movers and shakers within the international banking sector to discuss the potential of the Dominican Republic’s financial system and offer a series of recommendations to help further develop the
country’s capital markets.
Due to strict United Nations security and limited seating, all attendees must be registered in advance. Please RSVP early to and
About Dominicans on Wall Street (DOWS)
Established in 1997, DOWS is a non-partisan organization which serves as a preeminent network and forum of discussion for financial market matters as they relate to the Dominican Republic and Dominican Americans. DOWS serves its members through networking opportunities, national and international seminars focused on key financial
market issues, and mentoring programs seeking the educational advancement of students of Dominican descent.
About the American Chamber of Commerce DR (AMCHAMDR)
AmChamDR is a not-for-profit organization made up of around 2,500 companies, both Dominican and American, that seeks to empower its members to develop their potential to the maximum based on three pillars – economic, professional, and social – through the
facilitation of access to knowledge, opportunities, a culture of best practices, respect for the rule of law, and corporate social responsibility.