The InteRDom Summer Program 2016 Group Experience an Unforgettable Adventure in the 27 Charcos de Damajagua
July 5, 2016The group of students of the InteRDom Summer Program 2016 lived an unforgettable experience on July 2 during their visit to the 27 Charcos del Rio Damajagua in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. This natural treasure has existed for thousands of years but was only recently discovered and is now one of the most visited tourist attractions in the country. Each year about 50,000 tourists visit, explain the
For 3 hours the group of students, accompanied by InteRDom staff and lifeguards, toured the 27 Charcos and were immersed in different activities. First, they traveled a path for about 45 minutes to the waterfalls. Then, the group climbed up to the 27th waterfall, and came back jumping, swimming and sliding down natural slides.
One of the exchange students, Katheryn Maldonado, of Dominican descent, says that, so far, this has
been “one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had in the Dominican Republic in my entire life.” Katheryn said that the combination of the excitement and beauty of nature make this an exciting and unforgettable experience.
This tour is part of the extensive program of cultural activities that is prepared for each group of students, since InteRDom considers it of utmost importance that, in addition to work experience, young people learn about
the most emblematic places of the Dominican Republic and enjoy all aspects of its culture.
About InteRDom
InteRDom, an initiative of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode), is the leading internship, academic research, and studies program in the Dominican Republic. It offers foreign students the opportunity to research important edge issues on the agenda of the United
Nations, obtain professional experience by interning with Dominican organizations and businesses related to their fields of study, and earn academic credit for courses and seminars at a local university.
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