The Dominican Republic Model United Nations Conference in New York Opened Amid Great Expectation from More Than 300 Middle School and Higher Education Students

March 30, 2015

The Dominican Republic Model United Nations Conference in New York (NYDRMUN) 2015 opened on Sunday in front of more than 300 enthusiastic middle school and higher education students from the Dominican Republic. The opening ceremony was held on March 29 at the Conventions Center of the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York, and was attended by teachers, parents, observers and representatives of the various organizations that support the initiative.

During the
event, organized by the United Nations Association of the Dominican Republic (UNA-DR) with support from GFDD/Funglode, participating youth will have the opportunity to take part in simulations of the United Nations General Assembly and vote on project resolutions from the seats occupied by the official representatives of the 193 Member States of this international organization. In addition, and in parallel, the event will host a program for teachers, in which GFDD/Funglode will organize a
number of activities.

During the opening gala at the head table sat: Emil Chireno, Executive Director of the United Nations Association of the Dominican Republic (UNA-DR); Yamile Eusebio, Director of the New York office of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD); Francis Lorenzo, founding member of UNA-DR and President of South South News; Glenn Denning, Professor of Professional Practice in International and Public Affairs and Director of the Sustainable
Development Solutions Network at the Earth Institute; Mourad Ahmia, Secretary General of the G-77; Brian G. Bowler, Permanent Representative of Malawi to the United Nations; Martin Edwards, Director of the Center for the United Nations and Global Governance Studies, School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University; William Yotive, Projects Director at the Education Division of the United Nations Department of Public Information, and Armando Manzueta, Secretary
General of NYDRMUN 2015.

The welcoming remarks were offered by Armando Manzueta, who described to the young participants his experiences as a participant himself in the Model United Nations and the significant change that occurred in his life as a result.

After that, Yamile Eusebio invited the young people to give the best of themselves in their Commissions, to do an outstanding job and to enjoy the experience and continue to be involved in this kind of

Meanwhile, Mourad Ahmia praised the work of the UNA-DR during its 10 years of existence, highlighting the educational value it represents not only for young people but also for their environments, which are affected by the changes that are produced in the participants.

In turn, Denning addressed those present about the importance of sustainable development to improve the quality of life and to keep the environment stable.

In addition, Martin Edwards, Director of the Center for the United Nations and Global Governance Studies, School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University, spoke about the importance of the negotiation skills that all people should have, since they are useful in their everyday life as well as in their professions.

Emil Chireno, Executive Director of the United Nations Association of the Dominican Republic (UNA-DR), described the event as a
unique opportunity for learning and for academic and personal growth.

For more information about the NYDRMUN 2015, please click here.

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