
GFDD and its sister organization in the Dominican Republic, FUNGLODE, are civil society organizations affiliated with the Organization of American States (OAS) and active supporters of the organization’s objectives, of the Inter-American System and the Summit of the Americas program. As members of this community of the civil society, GFDD and FUNGLODE are always part of the annual OAS General Assembly and the Summit of the Americas process.
In addition, joint specific programs are regularly developed and implemented with different departments and divisions of the OAS in the following fields: democracy, regional integration, trade, environment, education, culture, drug abuse prevention, as well as internships and professional training opportunities.
GFDD’s Dominican Film Showcase in Washington, DC are generally celebrated at the OAS’ Art Museum of the Americas (AMA). Ambassadors to the OAS are also part of GFDD’s prestigious Global Roundtables guests, sharing their vast knowledge and experiences with our audiences.