Premiere of GMAI Documentary Film Juan Bosch: Solo Letras

June 14, 2009

Leonel Fernandez y Wandro QuirozThe documentary film produced by the Global Media Arts Institute, Juan Bosch: Solo Letras, was premiered June 8, during the Centenary Celebration of the Birth of Juan Bosch, celebrated June 8-12,

Juan Bosch: Solo Letras is an artistic representation of Coronada Pichardo Niño’s book Juan Bosch y la Canonización de la Narrativa Dominicana. The
film highlights the existential, intellectual and literary trajectory of Professor Juan Bosch, an author who created literary works characteristic of his life values – literary works rich with narration reflective of the idiosyncrasy of the Dominican people.

The film brilliantly brings to life Bosch’s profuse literary
trajectory that spans the course of eight decades. It underscores the social and political themes that abound within Bosch’s narrative. Revered as a master of the short story, as a writer, he devoted his time and thought to describing Dominican society in a detailed, artistic and realistic manner, demonstrating his immense concern for the challenges facing Dominicans of all societal sectors.

Leonel Fernandez y Equipo de ProduccionProduction Team:

  • Wandro Quiroz (Director and Screenwriter)
  • Aida Montero (Consultant)
  • Jennyver Caraballo (Editing and Post-Production)
  • Víctor Ureña (Director of Photography)
  • Diana Dipres (Assistant Director)
  • Coronada Pichardo (Co-Screenwriter)
  • Fior D’Aliza Blanco (Co-Screenwriter)
  • Ramón Reyes Baldera (Co-Screenwriter)
  • Rafael Reyes (Technical Coordinator)
  • Wandry Méndez (Photography
  • Jesús Frías (Photog