Praising the Memory of the Dominican Patrician Juan Pablo Duarte at the OAS

February 9, 2016

GFDD joined the Embassy of the Dominican Republic to the White House, the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the Organization of American States (OAS), and the Istituto Duartiano, in celebration of a magisterial conference in memory of the father of the Dominican nation, Juan Pablo Duarte.

The activity, called "Thought of the Father of the Nation Juan Pablo Duarte on the Constitution and Patriotic Values", was held at the Arts Museum of the Americas (AMA) in Washington, DC, and with the participation of Dr. Wilson Gómez Ramírez,
Vice-President of the Instituto Duartiano, as keynote speaker. Mr. Andrés Navia, director of the AMA, offered welcoming words and was the moderator of the event, also attended by the Ambassador to the OAS, Pedro Vergés, and the Dominican Ambassador in United States, José Tomás Pérez.

Diplomatic Dominican and Latin American authorities, representatives of international organizations, young Dominican professionals resident in the area, and members of the Dominican community
enjoyed this activity that exalts the patriotic values and the historical legacy of a hero.