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GFDD and FUNGLODE Hosts Panel to Promote the Utilization of Latin American Political Thinkers in Political Science Studies
May 22, 2013 - During a roundtable discussion on "The intellectual debates in Latin America during the 19th and the 20th centuries," Patricio Brito, Executive Director of Policy at the Dominican Students Association in the United States, advocated the inclusion of Latin American political thinkers in the study of political sciences and other sciences. The roundtable discussion was hosted... Continue Reading >
Venezuelan Ambassador Accepts GFDD’s Invitation for the Global Roundtable Program
May 21, 2013 - For the sixteenth edition of its online broadcast program “Global Roundtable,” GFDD has the pleasure to invite Jorge Valero Briceño, Permanent Representative of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United Nations. As a distinguished academic and politician, Ambassador Valero received his University degree in history from the University of the Andes and MA degree in... Continue Reading >
GFDD Announces Next Dominican Get-Together in New York In Partnership with Association of Veganos
May 21, 2013 - By popular demand, the next Dominican Get-Together in the Big Apple on June 6, 2013, in close collaboration with the Association of Veganos, in upper Manhattan, will celebrate the rich and vibrant cultural heritage of the Dominican Republic with an encore screening of the highly acclaimed documentary "Discover La Vega: Pride of my Land". Audiences... Continue Reading >
Honorary President of GFDD and FUNGLODE, Leonel Fernández Will Teach the Course “Latin America in Globalization” at the Institute for Global Studies in Paris
May 18, 2013 - The former President of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Leonel Fernández, together with the former Presidents of Chile, Ricardo Lagos, and Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, joined the teaching staff of the course “Latin America in Globalization” at the Institute for Global Studies in Paris. This academic institution was created in the framework of the three day... Continue Reading >
GFDD Participate in the Dominican Week 2013 – the Discussion Panel on the Impact of Higher Education on the Dominican Republic’s Development
May 16, 2013 - On Thursday, May 16, in the framework of Semana Dominicana 2013 (Dominican Week 2013), GFDD and its sister organization FUNGLODE collaborating with APEC University, City University of New York (CUNY), Center for Worker Education and International Studies Program in the City College of New York hosted the discussion panel entitled “Higher education’s impact on the Dominican Republic’s... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Host Panel Discussion at United Nations to Discuss Advances in DR Capital Markets and Opportunities for Growth
May 16, 2013 - On Thursday, May 16, the United Nations Dag Hammerskjöld Library Auditorium welcomed New York audiences to celebrate one of the activities of Semana Dominicana 2013 (Dominican Week 2013). Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the DR, FUNGLODE, in close collaboratio with Dominicans on Wall Street (DOWS), the American Chamber... Continue Reading >
Mexican Ambassador Discusses the Country’s Critical Role in UN Processes, Climate Change Issues, and Financing for Development
May 14, 2013 - The May edition of Global Foundation’s Roundtable series had the pleasure to host a visit from Luis Alfonso de Alba, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations. Ambassador de Alba, in his distinguished diplomatic career since 1983, has accomplished serving as Mexican diplomat, Ambassador, UN Representative, President of the Human Rights Council, Chief Negotiator for the Climate Change... Continue Reading >
GFDD-FUNGLODE Participate in Dominican Week Activities with Panel on the Impact of Higher Education on DR Development
May 14, 2013 - Under the umbrella of Dominican Week, the AmchamDR and GFDD and FUNGLODE are pleased to announce that Ligia Amada Melo, Head of the Secretariat for Higher Education, Science and Technology (SEECyT), will be the lecturer at a discussion panel this Thursday, May 16 entitled: “Higher education’s impact in the Dominican Republic’s development.” Aims to understand and number the direct impact that higher education... Continue Reading >
Former President Leonel Fernández urged Latin American and Caribbean countries to work toward becoming self-sufficient in the area of food production
May 14, 2013 - President Fernández made this remark in a speech on Tuesday at the International Seminar, “The Caribbean and the CELAC – EU Synergy. Operational Proposals after the Santiago Summit,” held in Brussels. The former President of the Dominican Republic and President of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), Doctor... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Rated Among Top Fifty Environment-Minded Organizations
May 13, 2013 - Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarollo (FUNGLODE) are proud to be rated among the top 50 environment-minded listed organizations in the DR. The Foundations are represented by their creative initiatives, the environment publication Dominican Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Environment and the DR Environmental Film Festival (DREFF), which regularly brings national... Continue Reading >
FUNGLODE and GFDD, together with Grupo Santillana, Organize Educational Innovation Forum
May 12, 2013 - Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), partnering with Grupo Santillana, invited audiences to participate in the Educational Innovation Forum that took place in Santo Domingo on May 8 – 9, 2013. The event began with the lecture “Information and Communication... Continue Reading >
Leonel Fernández Opens FUNGLODE and GFDD’s new office at UNESCO and Highlights the UN Agency’s Important Role in Support of Mankind
May 12, 2013 - On Monday, the former President of the Dominican Republic and Honorary President of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), Dr. Leonel Fernández, highlighted the successful role played by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in supporting mankind. Fernández made this statement during the opening ceremony... Continue Reading >
GFDD’s Honorary President examines the impact of social sciences in the design of public policies with international experts
May 12, 2013 - On Monday, the former President of the Dominican Republic and Honorary President of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), Dr. Leonel Fernández, discussed with renowned French and foreign sociologists and politicians how social sciences can nurture and guide public policies. This event was part of the opening... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Honorary President Fernández Negotiates Financing for Film Co-production in the Dominican Republic, at France’s BRED Banque Populaire
May 12, 2013 - France’s BRED Banque Populaire has expressed interest in providing financial and technical support for film co-productions in the Dominican Republic. This possibility was discussed extensively during a working meeting between the former President of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Leonel Fernández and the President of BRED, Steve Gentili. A delegation made of Dominican businessmen and other... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Honored Guest to Give the Keynote Address in UN ECOSOC International Tax Cooperation Meeting
May 9, 2013 - On May 28, GFDD and FUNGLODE will deliver the keynote address in the Expert Group Meeting on Extractive Industries Taxation at the ECOSOC Chamber of the United Nations Headquarters. The extractive industries taxation issue is now firmly on the agenda of the UN Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters, and this particular meeting is intended to help guide... Continue Reading >
GFDD Organizes a Recycled Art Workshop in Samaná
May 7, 2013 - In order to raise public awareness of environmental challenges while promoting protection of the earth and its natural resources, the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister institution in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources have organized a workshop on... Continue Reading >
FUNGLODE and GFDD, together with Grupo Santillana, to Organize Educational Innovation Forum
May 6, 2013 - Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), partnering with Grupo Santillana, cordially invite audiences to participate in the Educational Innovation Forum that will take place in Santo Domingo from May 8-9. The event will start off with the lecture “Information and... Continue Reading >
Participation of GFDD and FUNGLODE at Passport DC, Most Successful-Ever
May 5, 2013 - GFDD and FUNGLODE''s participation in the Cultural Tourism Passport DC program, on May 4, 2013, in partnership with the Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Washington DC, was by far, the most successful to-date. The event, billed as a global celebration for a global city, attracted the attention and interest of 2278 visitors from all over the world.... Continue Reading >
GFDD Hosts Recycled Art Workshops at the Dominican Children and Youth Library
May 2, 2013 - As part of its mission to elevate awareness of environmental challenges and to promote protection of the natural world and its resources, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister institution in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), have once again joined forces with the Dominican Children and Youth Library... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Convene Panel at the UN to Discuss Opportunities for Growth in the DR’s Capital Markets
April 30, 2013 - The United Nations Dag Hammerskjöld Library Auditorium has been secured as a venue to celebrate one of the several activities of Semana Dominican 2013 (Dominican Week 2013). Global Foundation for Democracy and Development and its sister organization in the DR, FUNGLODE, in close cooperation with Dominicans on Wall Street (DOWS), the American Chamber of Commerce... Continue Reading >
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Latest Publications
Prison Reform in the Dominican Republic: An Analysis through the lens of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Analysis of Evangelical Christianity in the Dominican Republic
Legal, Political, and Social Reflections on the Dominican Environmental Framework
Fundamentals of the Dominican Voluntary Sector
Resident Perceptions of Whale Watching in the Dominican Republic