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Dr. Philippe Kirsch Delivers Conference as Part of OAS Lecture Series of the Americas
April 14, 2005 - Dr. Philippe Kirsch, President of the International Criminal Court delivered a Conference as part of the OAS Lecture Series of the Americas In the conference entitled " The International Criminal Court and the Fulfillment of International Justice ", Dr. Philippe Kirsch commented on the independence and impartiality of the International Penal Court as well as... Continue Reading >
Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott addressed Compassion and Response to Human Suffering
April 11, 2005 - Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott addressed Compassion and Response to Human Suffering during the Fourth Lectures Series of the Americas Derek Walcott, the Nobel laureate, in his remarks during the fourth Organization of American States (OAS) Lecture Series of the Americas on April 11 th , discussed his acclaimed 1981 narrative poem, The Fortunate Traveler, in... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Offer Course on Digital Narrative
April 4, 2005 - GFDD and FUNGLODE will begin offering the course "Digital Narrative" to 20 teachers with the objective of training them in the necessary elements to create short narrative stories utilizing multimedia tools, such as videos, images and music. The computer program that will be used to teach this course will be Microsoft Movie Maker II, included... Continue Reading >
Lecture on CAFTA and Its Impact on Dominican Republic
April 1, 2005 - Robert Wood, Director of Country Risk for Latin America from the Economist' Intelligence Unit delivered a lecture on CAFTA and its impact in the Dominican Republic In Mr. Wood's lecture delivered in FUNGLODE's headquarters in Santo Domingo on April 1st, he noted the potential impacts of CAFTA in various sectors in the Dominican Republic .... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Organize Meeting to Discuss CAFTA
March 31, 2005 - The meeting, held at FUNGLODE's headquarters in Santo Domingo on March 31st, 2005 included President Fernandez as well as other high level government representatives, legislators, U.S. embassy officials and other key individuals representing different industrial sectors of the Dominican Republic . The meeting was coordinated in collaboration of the U.S. embassy in the DR. During... Continue Reading >
President Fernandez Reaffirms His Commitment to Work with Dominican Diaspora in US
March 21, 2005 - President Fernandez participated in the videoconference titled "Creating Business Opportunities between the Hispanic and Caribbean population in the U.S. and their countries of origin" coordinated by the Young Americas Business Trust YABT) and the Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) of the Organization of American States (OAS). The event was facilitated by GFDD and with the... Continue Reading >
FUNGLODE, GFDD and CTN Sign Agreement to Transmit Foundation Activities
March 9, 2005 - The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (FUNGLODE) and its US office GFDD signed an agreement with the network channel Caribbean Traveling Network Dominicana (CTN). This agreement aims at transmitting the conferences, meetings and other activities undertaken by the Foundation as part of its mandate for training, research and knowledge dissemination. The agreement was... Continue Reading >
GFDD signed an agreement with the World Banks GDLN and the Institute for Public Administration
February 28, 2005 - The agreement's objective is to support the poverty reduction initiatives and the economic and social development of developing countries through the exchange of experiences and knowledge utilizing the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The GDLN, a World Bank initiative offers different distance learning resources and services, aiming at promoting the consolidation of networks and... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Sign MOU to Promote OAS Lecture Series on the Americas
February 25, 2005 - Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundacion Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the OAS office in Santo Domingo to support and promote the OAS' Lecture Series of the Americas . The Lecture Series is a newly-created monthly hemispheric conference stemmed from a Summit of the Americas... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Offer Workshop on Journalism and Democratic Processes
February 21, 2005 - Within the framework agreement signed between FNPI and FUNGLODE, the course "Journalism and the Democratic Process" was dictated in the foundation's headquarters in Santo Domingo from February 21st to 25th, 2005. The objective of this course was to gather journalists from different media in order to stimulate and promote the dialogue and exchange around their... Continue Reading >
President Leonel Fernandez Announces Creation of Consultative Board in New York
February 17, 2005 - Dr. Leonel Fernández, President of the Dominican Republic and honorary President of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, announced the creation of a Consultative Board in New York whose mission is the implementation of the recommended actions included in the book "Strategic Alliance between the Dominican Republic and New York City ". The President... Continue Reading >
Conference on Trade Agreements and Regional Cooperation
February 9, 2005 - During the Second Lecture of the Americas, IDB President, Enrique Iglesias explained that trade agreements are vital to promote full cooperation in the Americas Trade agreements are a very important vehicle for full cooperation in the Americas, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) President Enrique Iglesias asserted, as he headlined the second monthly event in the Lecture... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Promote OAS Lecture Series of the Americas
January 25, 2005 - The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundacion Global Democracia y Desarollo (FUNGLODE) signed a memorandum of understanding with the OAS office in Santo Domingo to support and promote the OAS's Lecture Series of the Americas. The Lecture Series is a newly-created monthly hemispheric conference which stems from a Summit of the Americas mandate. The... Continue Reading >
Jimmy Carter Speaks on the Promise and Peril of Democracy
January 25, 2005 - The former U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mr. Jimmy Carter inaugurated the Lecture Series with the conference "Promise and Peril of Democracy". In his presentation, Mr. Carter urged the OAS to do more to achieve its goals of defending democracy in the Western Hemisphere . The Nobel Laureate also said that the recent... Continue Reading >
Tourism is Critical to the Advancement of Developing Countries
January 12, 2005 - On January 12, Dr. Donald E. Hawkins, professor of Tourism Policy, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management at George Washington University, believes that tourism represents an invaluable tool as he manifested during his address, "Tourism as a Sustainable Development Strategy: A Challenge for the Dominican Republic" at FUNGLODE. Tourism generates 2.4 million jobs in the... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Sign Agreement with Counterpart International
January 11, 2005 - FUNGLODE/GFDD, represented by Natasha Despotovich, Executive Director of GFDD, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Counterpart International represented by its President, Mr. Lelei Lelaulu, to develop projects involving the protection of the environment, tourism, environment and local communities, and training programs for youth at risk. The progressive degradation of coastal areas caused by human action... Continue Reading >
Dr. Austin Bowden-Kirby Introduces New Coral Reef Recuperation Program
January 11, 2005 - Dr. Austin Bowden-Kirby, marine scientist and world specialist in coral reefs, presented his experience gathered in several regions of the globe in his address, "Coral Reef Ecosystems and their Importance to the Environment and the Sustainable Development of Countries," at FUNGLODE’s Conference Hall in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Dr. Bowden-Kirby stressed the competitive edge the... Continue Reading >
President Fernández Promotes Strengthening Ties Between the Dominican Republic and New York
December 6, 2004 - New York City, (Dec. 6, 2004).- President Leonel Fernández presented last Sunday the report made by Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) whose objective is to strengthen the ties between the communities in the Dominican Republic and in New York. The book "Building New Strategic Alliances for the Development: Dominican Republic-New York" is the... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLODE Attend World Tourism Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development
December 1, 2004 - Representatives of numerous governments, NGOs, academia and the private sector gathered in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil to exchange experiences and to discuss their proposals on how to ensure that growth in the tourism industry contributes to the creation of conditions for peace and sustainable development across the globe. In 2003, the tourism industry generated US... Continue Reading >
GFDD and FUNGLOD Hold Two-Day Seminar on Energy and the Environment
November 4, 2004 - November 3 and 4, 2004, local and international experts gathered at FUNGLODE/GFDD's headquarters to discuss "Energy Policies and the Environment: International Experiences and Recommendations for the Dominican Republic." The purpose of this event was to put together different experiences from across the world, share them with Dominican experts and explore possible recommendations for the future... Continue Reading >
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Latest Publications
Prison Reform in the Dominican Republic: An Analysis through the lens of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Analysis of Evangelical Christianity in the Dominican Republic
Legal, Political, and Social Reflections on the Dominican Environmental Framework
Fundamentals of the Dominican Voluntary Sector
Resident Perceptions of Whale Watching in the Dominican Republic