Members of Audiovisual Department Train at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia

January 11, 2010

Nine members of the FUNGLODE Audiovisual Department spent a week in Bogota at the Universidad Javeriana attending training workshops.

FUNGLODE specialists in the areas of design, animation and editing, Jenniver Caraballo, Carlos Perez, José Paulino and Marta Tapia, realized an introductory course on the use of the editorial program Smoke Software. Course work focused on various editing techniques including work flow editing, color correction and
final touches. Training also touched upon media management.

FUNGLODE production specialists, Dianelba Dipres, Jesús Frias, Sandra Cadavid, Wandro Quiroz and Braudin Eusebio, meanwhile participated in a practical workshop on television production centered on developing skills and talent for the creative conceptualization, creation and production of TV programs.

 Training workshops were instructed by experts from Unversidad
Javeriana’s Centro Ático, experts such as Cesar Tulio Ossa, Alejandro García, Dimas Llanos, Diana Diaz, José Maria Ángel and Jaime González

About GMAI
GMAI, an initiative of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), is dedicated to providing up-and-coming professionals in the television and film industry with comprehensive instruction in the latest trends in audiovisual production, as part of its overall mission to expand the multimedia industry of the Dominican Republic. The Institute seeks to play a key role in the development of a highly qualified Dominican audiovisual industry that significantly contributes to the economic development,
competitiveness and modernization of the nation.

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