Meeting of the Multilateral Education Initiative for Human Development (IMEDH)

December 6, 2010

Representatives of the different member organizations of IMEDH met in Washington, DC, for three days of discussions and meetings with the purpose of a) reviewing the report for 2010; b) plan for 2011 and c) incorporate new partners to the Initiative.

Discussions with the Education Department of the Inter-American Development Bank ended successfully and IMEDH’s project “Teachers for the Digital Era” will become a reality when
in January Latin American educational experts will begin preliminary steps on developing innovative strategies of improving the teaching-learning process in the area.

In advancing IMEDH’s purpose of incorporating new technologies to human development and integrating innovation in its strategies, a first Meeting of Cities of Knowledge of the Americas will take place in Panama during the second half of 2011 with the goal of sharing, incentivizing and inspiring the
development of human capital in the region.  The proposal was submitted to the Department of Science and Technology of the Inter- American Development Bank which has already expressed an interest in the project and in becoming a partner.

IMEDH is a joint project of the Organization of American States (OAS), Virtual Educa, the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), the Association of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL) and the Global Foundation
for Democracy and Development (GFDD).  It was created with the intent of promoting education from an inclusive and innovative perspective with a focus on achieving efficiency and impact in the improvement of the human capacity in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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