InteRDom Fellow Yosmayra Reyes Realizes Investigation on the Challenges Impacting Mental Health Care Services in the Dominican Republic
July 19, 2010
Columbia University Student Yosmayra Reyes is currently in the Dominican Republic conducting research on mental health care services in the country. Her investigation seeks to assess the implementation and awareness of national legislature related to mental health, particularly in the nation’s rural areas. Her study will identify existing challenges within the field of mental health, including early detection at the primary care level. In addition to evaluating the
impact of health care policy on mental health services nationally, Ms. Reyes’ research will also look specifically at how mental health assessment is integrated within primary care in Monte Plata, Dominican Republic.
Ms. Reyes is a graduate student at Columbia University’s School of Social Work. She is the second student to be admitted to the InteRDom Fellows Program, which was developed in 2009. Ms. Reyes’ investigation has been carried-out
under the guidance of Dr. Alberto Fiallo Billini. Dr. Alberto Fiallo Billini is the InteRDom Fellows Program Advisor in the area of Public Health. Dr. Fiallo has extensive experience heading governmental, non-governmental and academic entities. He is presently the Advisor on Public Health to President Leonel Fernández and the Director of the Center for Public Health Studies of Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) and Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD). He is also a part of the Advisory Boards for the following Commissions: the National Health Insurance Plan, the National Program for Essential Medicines, the Teachers Health Insurance Plan, and the National Council on Health.