InteRDom Business and Volunteer Opportunities Day
June 8, 2007
Leading business professionals from national and international NGOs and companies presented their internship opportunities to InteRDom students this Tuesday 5th June at the InteRDom Business and Volunteers Opportunities Day in FUNGLODE. The event aimed to inform InteRDom students about professional learning opportunities available to them in the Dominican Republic as a means of promoting the concept of ‘learning-by-doing’ through its academic study and
internship program.
internship program.
InteRDom supports in-house training opportunities within companies and NGOs and has been working closely with these organizations to help them build their own internship and learning programs for local and international students.

InteRDom has been working closely with representatives from NGOs, the public and private sector and would not exist without the continued support and participation of Dominican and international organizations, students, professors and working professionals who have worked tirelessly to make the program what it is today. Some of the organizations that will be working with InteRDom participants during their internships, and that are supporting this
summer’s program, include:
summer’s program, include:

Universitaria Magazine, a student publication that has been supporting the InteRDom program throughout the Dominican Republic.
Former InteRDom students have gone on to successful academic and professional futures, such as Jill Brumier from Guadeloupe who is now studying International Law at Oxford University in the United Kingdom and Arisleyda Diloné
from the United States who, while successfully completing a Masters Degree at St.<
from the United States who, while successfully completing a Masters Degree at St.<