Harvard Graduate School of Education’s (HGSE) Project Zero releases the report “DEEPER, TOGETHER: Practical lessons on cultivating deeper learning from a low-cost school network
March 10, 2023
Authored by Liz Dawes Duraisingh, Adriana Garcia, Mara Krechevsky, and Andrea Sachdeva, it was published last January 2023.
The report distills Project Zero’s learnings on promoting inquiry, autonomy, and collaboration to drive deeper learning within Innova, a network of schools in Peru.
It focuses on collaborative research conducted in 2021 with coaches and academic coordinators and shares the enabling conditions and challenges participants encountered as they sought to achieve pedagogical change; the tools, activities, and practices that were effective in this work; and advances in participants’ thinking and practices that occurred over time.
Download the report here: “DEEPER, TOGETHER: Practical lessons on cultivating deeper learning from a low-cost school network“