GFDD Hosts a Series of Recycled Art Workshops at the Centro Cultural Perello in Bani

May 23, 2013

As part of its mission to elevate awareness of environmental challenges and to promoting the sustainable use of natural resources, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister institution in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), have once again joined forces with the Centro Cultural Perello in Baní to host a series of recycled art workshops throughout the month of May, which
will conclude this coming Saturday May 25, 2013.

Artist Bertha Santana conducted the four day workshop on how to recycle at school, to specifically engage and build capacity among 25 art teachers in the community of Baní, on how to reutilize and refashion used textiles, paper and plastic bottles and bags into art. Each four hour workshop included a lecture, followed by hands-on arts and crafts project, designed to develop the skills set of each teacher. In turn, GFDD
hopes that the teachers will serve as multipliers and replicate the workshops with their respective student base.

The workshop forms part of GFDD/FUNGLODE ReCrearte Program, which aims to raise awareness on the 3Rs of solid waste management: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The workshop will also emphasize and
demonstrate how recycling waste into art can empower individuals and communities alike.

The impetus behind the ReCrearte Program arose from the interest sparked among students participating in the Recycled Art Workshop conducted by Bertha Santana, during the II DR Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) in 2012. Through this brand new program, GFDD hopes to engage youth
groups, educators and women’s associations into reformulating the way they think about trash.

The ReCrearte Program is reflective of DREFF’s overall mission to interact with leading figures in the environmental community and to make a difference at a grassroots level.

Join us for the III edition of the DR Environmental Film Festival will take place on September 4-8, 2013.

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