GFDD Book Launch and Discussion on Dominican Republic and China: Exchange, Trade, and Investment
September 29, 2015
Under the series “Research and Ideas”, GFDD will launch the book "Dominican Republic and P.R. China: Exchange, Trade, and Investment", in which researcher Yuan Li demonstrates through data and analysis the extent of Chinese economic influence in the Dominican Republic, including trade relationships, economic activity of the Chinese diaspora in the country, foreign direct investment, and policy recommendations to maximize the benefits of
these relationships.
Margaret Myers, Program Director, China and Latin America, Inter-American Dialogue, will provide her comments and insights of Li’s research.
About Yuan Li
Ms. Yuan Li ( 栗鹓 ) is a young professional in the field of International Development. Her work focuses on the areas of development finance, governance, and South-South cooperation, with regional orientation towards Latin America and the
Caribbean (LAC) and Africa. She has conducted research projects in various countries in Africa and LAC, analyzing the economic and political engagement of China in these regions. She currently works at the Inter-American Development Bank on institutional capacity strengthening and promoting good governance in LAC. She holds a Master’s degree in International Development and International Economics from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. She received her
Bachelor’s degree in Public Policy and Administration from Renmin University of China. She is fluent in Chinese, English, and Spanish.
When: Tuesday, October 20th, 2015
Time: 12:30 – 2:00pm.
Where: GFDD DC
Office, 1629 K Street NW. Suite 1100, Washington, D.C. 20006
Please RSVP:
Open to all audiences. Free event.
Light lunch will be served.
About the Fellows Program
The Fellows Program, an extension of the internship and academic exchange program InteRDom, was developed in 2009 to
respond to the desire of GFDD and Funglode to develop a community of scholars that contributes to the Foundations’ growing body of research on matters of international concern that directly impact the Dominican Republic. The Program complements the overall mission of GFDD and Funglode to promote academic exchange, generate scholarship, and influence the creation of public policy related to economic and social development both at the national and international levels.
Through the Fellows Program, GFDD and Funglode seek to generate scholarship on issues at the forefront of the United Nations’ agenda in order to give voice to national and regional concerns and offer viable solutions to domestic and international challenges.