GFDD at the OAS Permanent Council Session on Civic Education
April 12, 2004
Global Foundation for Democracy and Development was one of the non-governmental organizations that attended the Organization of American States (OAS) Permanent Council Session: "The Promotion of Democratic Culture through Education." The session took place at the OAS headquarters in Washngton DC, on April 12 – 13, 2004. Ms. Natasha Despotovic, Executive Director of GFDD, attended the session as a GFDD spokesperson.
The two-day meeting on the promotion of democratic values was coordinated by the OAS Unit for the Promotion of Democracy and the Unit for Social Development and Education. During the session, representatives discussed ways in which to incorporate democratic principles within education. Discussions highlighted the need for an Inter-American Civic Education Program.
Unit for Social Development and Education
Unit for the Promotion of Democracy
Participants in attendance included permanent representatives of the OAS Member States, Ministers and high officials of Education
Ministries, members of the Inter-American Commission on Education, representatives of non-governmental institutions and the private sector, and educational specialists.
The session provided participants with a complete overview of the civic education initiatives and programs being realized throughout the hemisphere, through governmental and non-governmental mechanisms. Presenters revealed the outcomes of several research
projects focused on accessing the degree to which youth are exposed to civic education. The success stories shared suggested new ways to foster democratic awareness and participation, and emphasized the importance of implementing civic education programs at the elementary level. Presenters also stressed the actualization of joint initiatives between the formal and informal sectors.
Global Foundation for Democracy and Development fully supports the
development of widespread, comprehensive civic education programs.