GFDD and FUNGLODE Will Partner with PADF and World Wide Views to Convene Dominican Chapter of Citizen Dialogue on Biodiversity to Contribute to COP-11 Meeting in Hyderbad, India

September 5, 2012

On Saturday, September 15, 2012, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) will partner with the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) and World Wide Views to convene the Dominican meeting of the global event, “World Wide Views on Biodiversity.” The purpose of the project is to promote dialogue on the decline of
biodiversity and the importance of effective policy among citizens worldwide. The event in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic will take place at FUNGLODE Headquarters at 8:30 am.

The initiative seeks to bridge the gap between civil society and policy makers in order to widen democratic processes and stimulate citizen involvement in decision making on matters of global concern. On September 15, citizens around the world will attend meetings to discuss current challenges
impacting biodiversity. Over 30 different partner organizations across the globe will come together to facilitate informative discussions. All meetings, irrespective of location, will follow the same agenda to ensure for a cohesive output that will be relevant to international policy makers.

Inputs will be submitted to representatives attending the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 11), to be held in Hyderabad, India, October 8-19, 2012, with the
objective of informing ministers and representatives of the perspectives of the citizens they represent.

GFDD and FUNGLODE are pleased to take part in this important international event that strives to advance policy aimed at protecting the plants, animals and microorganisms that inhabit the planet, and the genetic diversity among species.

GFDD and FUNGLODE and the Environment
Environmental stewardship has
been at the forefront of the mission of GFDD and FUNGLODE since their conception. Through the organization of conferences, workshops, exhibits and film screenings, and the creation of online and print publications, GFDD and FUNGLODE work to promote environmental protection, conservation and sustainability.

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