GFDD and FUNGLODE Participate in the XLI OAS General Assembly Held June 5-7, 2011 in San Salvador

June 8, 2011

GFDD and FUNGLODE joined high ranking officials from all 34 OAS member states, including 22 ministers, gathering in San Salvador for two intense days of discussions reviewing the OAS agenda and the most pressing issues affecting the region under the theme “Citizen Security in the Americas .” Moreover, it addressed the lack of security felt by most of the citizens in the region as well as the difficulties governments and governmental agencies have in
dealing with these issues.
The reintegration of Honduras as a member country after almost two years of expulsion was also a subject of discussion among complaints about the shortcomings of the Agreement of Cartagena. This was voiced at the  International Convention Center of San Salvador, where the meetings were held, as well as in the streets of the city,  where opponents of the Agreement argued that it missed mechanisms to resolve the
country’s internal conflicts. The Truth Commission’s report on this subject is widely expected to be out at the end of June.
The XLI General Assembly was one of the best attended in the history of the organization with more than 80 representatives from around the world in attendance.
GFDD and FUNGLODE are members of the OAS Civil Society, are partners in some international initiatives as IMEDH, and
have several projects being developed in collaboration with different departments of the Organization.

Declaration of San Salvador:

Agreement of Cartagena regarding the return of Honduras to the OAS: