Final Conferences of Geography Week 2019 Focused on Biodiversity and Climate Change
January 31, 2019
Two final conferences were held during the framework of Plan LEA’s 2019 Geography Week: one workshop on the relationship between biodiversity and human wellbeing and another concerning the impact of solid waste on climate change. Both events were held at the auditoriom of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development’s (GFDD) sister organization in the Dominican Republic, la Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode).
The first conference, entitled “Biodiversity and Human Wellbeing” took place on Friday, January 25 and was attended by teachers from Santo Domingo in the 10th and 15th regions, Cotuí in the 16th region, Monte Plata in the 17th and Neyba in the 18th region. The conference was directed by José Manuel Mateo, the Coordinator of the Commission for Natural Sciences and the Environment.
About 150 teachers participated in the event. Participants learned about biodiversity and its positive impact on human wellbeing as well as its sustainable use and the threats that it faces.
Opening remarks were given by Yamile Eusebio, Director of the New York Offices of GFDD and Funglode’s Educational Activities Program Director. The Plan LEA Director, Rosario Vásquez, introduced the workshop and presenter.
Among the topics covered was an explanation on the precise meaning of biodiverstity. Mateo explained to the participantsn that “Originally the concept only refered to the genetic variability of plants and animals, but following the Convention on Bioligical Diversity, [biodiversity] began to include other aspects, becoming more broad. Thus, it currently relates to all plants and animals that exist in a country, region or place and includes the entire environment, ecosystem, ecological processes and cultural values.”
Then on Wednesday, January 30, educators from San Juan de la Maguana in the 2nd region, Azua and Baní in the 3rd and Santo Domingo in the 10th region participated in a conference entitled “Solid Waste’s Impact on Climate Change,” led by Emily Rodríguez, a representative from the National Council on Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism.
In this meeting, also taking place at Funglode, 80 teachers shared ideas and offered opinions on climate change.
During her presentation, Rodríguez explained that “Solid waste results from humans, who consider certain items to be unimportant or disposable, but in reality can have great use for other people.”
Both meetings were supported by the Ministry of Education, Propagas, Funglode, the Dean of the Geography and History Department at the University of Central Michigan and Grupo Jaragua.
About Geography Week 2019
For the 26th occasion, Plan LEA, the educational initiative of the Listín Diario, is celebrating Geography Week. The celebration’s main objective is to raise awareness amongst schools, families and entire communities about the importance of taking care of our environment through the elimination of plastics and solid waste in streets and coastal areas. The event is an annual celebration that takes place in Santo Domingo and includes many activities and workshops.
About Geography Week Educational Materials
The topics that will be covered in Geography Week 2019 will be included in a workbook.
The texts will be used to provide the educational community with updated and useful materials to share and incorporate fundamental concepts and attitudes on the importance of understanding geography.