Everything You Want to Know About Organic and Sustainable Foods during DREFF 2016

August 22, 2016

Sustainable energy is a hot-button issue when it comes to preserving the environment, but have you ever thought about sustainable food? At the upcoming sixth edition of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF), to be held from September 13 to 18 in 11 cities around the country, sustainable food is one of the crucial topics. Five films and two international guests will develop this issue with the objective of helping us reflect on the food we eat, how
it’s produced, and the effects of our daily eating decisions on our environment.

The feature length films chosen are: Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret s and In Defense of Food, from the United States;10 Billion: What´s on Your Plate? and Taste the Waste, from Germany, and the Mexican Sunú. DREFF is pleased to announce the directors of
the three latter will be present at the screenings of their films and will talk to the audience afterwards.

Director Valentin Thurn will be attending DREFF to present the screening of his films 10 Billion: What´s on Your Plate? andTaste the Waste. Thurn is director and author of TV documentaries for national and international channels; author of radio features and articles for magazines; and author of books such as
“Harte Kost.”

Director Teresa Camou will be present at DREFF for the screening of her film Sunú. After earning a B.A in Visual Arts and Social Science at Bennington College, in 2004, she went on to found and direct a native Mexican puppet theatre company based in northern Mexico’s Sierra Madre, known as the Sierra Tarahumara. Teresa began to make short on-site, documentary films about issues related to Tarahumara
communities and was able to film two stop motion animations in 2007 and 2008.

To learn all the details visit www.dreff.org

About the Films:
10 Billion: What’s on Your Plate? – By 2050, the world population will grow to ten billion people. In the middle of the heated debate about food security, comes this broad
and analytic look into the enormous spectrum of global food production and distribution – from artificial meat, insects, industrial farming to trendy self-cultivation.

Taste the Waste – Why do we throw away so much? And how can we stop this kind of waste? Amazing but true: On the way from the farm to the dining-room table, more than half the food lands on the dump. Most of it before it ever reaches consumers. We seek explanations: from supermarket
sales staff and managers, from bakers, wholesale market inspectors, welfare recipients, ministers, farmers and EU bureaucrats.

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret – This film follows Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water
consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill.

In Defense of Food– US-based journalist Michael Pollan is on a mission to debunk the daily media barrage of conflicting claims about nutrition. Traveling the globe and
exploring the supermarket aisles to illustrate the principles of his bestselling “Eater’s Manifesto,” Pollan offers a clear answer to one of the most confounding and urgent questions of our time: What should I eat to be healthy?

Sunú – Sunú knits together different stories from a threatened rural world. The film journeys deep into the heart of a country where people realize their determination to stay free, to work the
land and cultivate their seeds, to be true to their cultures and forms of spirituality, all in a modern world that both needs them and despises them. Sunú reveals how maize and everything it gives life to could be lost forever.

www.dreff.org / info@dreff.org

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