"Every Two Seconds One Person Becomes a Refugee": GFDD Panel Explores Global Refugee Crisis on World Refugee Day
On June 20, GFDD in DC welcomed Lucy Santana, Dominican lawyer and expert on international humanitarian law, refugee law and migration; Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian of the OAS; and Sibylla Brodzinsky of UNHCR to discuss the international status of refugees, with an emphasis on the Venezuelan and Dominican cases.
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InteRDom 2019 Kicks Off in Santo Domingo
Monday, June 3, saw the start of the InteRDom 2019 Summer program in the Dominican Republic. This year’s participants included Marlene Beltre, of CUNY- John Jay College; Camryn Collete, of Shenandoah University; Gabriela Garcia, of The College of New Rochelle; and Jessica de los Santos, of Williams College.
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The Committee on Sustainable Development - NY Joins GFDD to Host a Meeting on "Communities, Local Leadership, and Climate Action"
On May 30, the Committee on Sustainable Development, a New York NGO, presented, together with GFDD, a meeting to raise awareness on local projects and initiatives to foster community action on climate change. Other participants included several UN and ILO officers and special representatives, candidates for local office, representatives of various NGOs, and local residents.
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Dominican Embassy Hosts Mother's Day Bazaar with Products by Dominican Artisans
GFDD collaborated with supporting organizations in the Dominican Republic to present a Mother's Day arts and crafts fair at the Dominican embassy. The visiting artisans presented projects in larimar, amber, and precious woods and participated in the “Around the World Embassy Tour" and other activities.
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GFDD Welcomes Experts in a Panel Examining Links between High-Skilled Emigration and Governance
In mid-May, GFDD's DC office held a panel event with Anniete Cohn-Lois of Georgetown University and Manuel Orozco, Director of Migration, Remittances and Development of the Inter-American Dialogue. Cohn-Lois presented her research on poor governance as a push factor for high-skilled workers to emigrate, and Orozco discussed the findings.
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GFDD's Creative Recycling Program ReCrearte Makes an Appearance at the Santo Domingo International Book Fair
On May 4, Lucía Marte led a workshop of the GFDD initiative ReCrearte that drew more than 50 book fair attendees in discovering the excitement and potential of creative recycling. From global warming to the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), the event was rich in lessons on sustainability with a dash of entrepreneurship.
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