GFDD Documentary Short Espousing the Value of Garbage Wins at Green Lens Environmental Film Festival.  View Trailer
President Fernández Recognized Estiven Rodríguez, a source of Dominican Pride in the United States.
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New!Year in Review
GFDD presents a broad spectrum of its 2013 agenda that includes environment, sustainable development, media, information and communications technology, economy, international affairs, democracy and globalization. |
Summer Internship Position at Major League Baseball Now Open
InteRDom is excited to announce that applications for the internship position of Community Affairs and Education Initiative Assistant at the Education Initiative Program of Major League Baseball (MLB) in Santo Domingo... Read full article >
2014 University of Rhode Island Winter Programs Come to a Successful Close
The two simultaneous University of Rhode Island January Programs hosted by InteRDom came to a close on Thursday, January 16 after an engaging two-week agenda of seminars, lectures... Read full article >
Chilean Ambassador to the UN During GFDD’s Global Roundtable, “Civil Society Instrumental in the Creation of Post-2015 Development Agenda.”
The first 2014 edition of GFDD’s online broadcast program “Global Roundtables” was delighted to host His Excellency Eduardo Gálvez, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations... Read full article >
Audience Braves Cold to Attend GFDD’s Environmental Short Film at Princeton’s Eco-Fest
In complete contrast to the deep chill outside, a warm-hearted welcome was afforded to those souls that braved freezing temperatures to attend the screening of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development’s Short Film "Garbage or Resource? A Dominican Republic Experience" at the 8th Annual Princeton Environmental Film Festival (PEFF) at Princeton Public Library on January 31st... Read full article >
Meet Henry Montero, GFDD/FUNGLODE Fellow Researcher of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease in the D.R.
The Fellows Program, an initiative of GFDD and FUNGLODE, is pleased to announce the fellowship of our most recent scholar, Henry Montero Tapia, Ph.D candidate in psychology at Capella University... Read full article >
DREFF Opens Designated 'Green' Area to Help Promote Environment Preservation and Education Initiatives
The Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) and the Vida Azul Foundation signed an inter-institutional collaboration agreement on a significant initiative aimed at raising awareness in children and adults on the importance of preserving the environment... Read full article >
DUNY and GFDD Celebrates Dominican Independence Day
Dominicanos Unidos de New York (DUNY), hosted its second annual event celebrating "The Duarte Honors" within the proud framework of 170 years of Dominican independence... Read full article >
- March 10, 2014
Commission on Status of Women - 58th session New York, UNHQ
- March 21, 2014
Proud Dominican Musicians, Solano and Ventura, Look Back on Their Lives, Careers and Musical Successes at the Dominican Get-Togethers in the Big Apple New York
- April 2, 2014
The Conference of Non Governmental Organizations Convenes at General Assembly New York
- April 3, 2014
GFDD and FUNGLODE Launch Research and Ideas African Diaspora Book in English Language New York