Dominican Get-Together in Allentown, PA
Allentown, PA, February 28, 2013
GFDD will bring its popular Dominican Get-Togethers initiative to Allen High School in Allentown, Pennsylvania on Thursday, February 28, 2013. The event will feature a presentation of the film The Republic of Baseball, and a panel discussion to follow.
The Republic of Baseball is the story of the epic 1962 World Series as told by brave and talented Dominican stars of baseball, Felipe Alou, Juan Marichal, Manny Mota and Ozzie Virgil. The film masterfully depicts the challenges of dictatorship, poverty, and later racism, overcome by Dominican baseball legends.
For more information, contact Margaret at: margaret@globalfoundationdd.org |
In 2013, more... |
- Partners
- Projects
- Books
- Dominican Get-Together events around the US
- Dominican Film Showcase in various US cities
- Global Roundtable interaction between GFDD and UN members
- National and international environmental films at the DREFF
- Awards given as part of GFDD's Globo Verde Dominicano
- Open exhibitions in the DR and USA
- Information about the DR in Dominicanaonline.org
- Fellows to conduct high-level research in the DR
- Interns going to the DR through InteRDom Program
- Work with communities
- All this and more continues to contribute to the social, economic and democratic development of the DR and surrounding regions