DREFF and UNIBE Sign Agreement to Raise Environmental Awareness and Promote Sustainable Development in the Dominican Republic
April 3, 2015
The Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF), an initiative of GFDD/Funglode, signed a collaborative agreement with the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE, by its Spanish acronym), to support activities that promotes sustainable development in the Dominican Republic. The contract was signed by Dr. Julio Amado Castaños Guzmán, Vice-chancellor of the academic institution, and Natasha Despotovic, GFDD and DREFF Executive Director. With this agreement, both
institutions will foster a culture that promotes the proper management and use of natural resources in Dominican society, as well as increase awareness of sustainable economic and social development in the country, promoting the exchange of experiences, knowledge, research and environmental awareness in general in the Dominican Republic.
Natasha Despotovic said that the partnership "is an excellent opportunity to endorse the environmental programs implemented in
the context of the DREFF throughout the year such as ReCrearte, EcoHuertos, Globo Verde Dominicano Award, and Year Round Environmental Film Screenings, among others, and in turn integrate
UNIBE’s Community Service program and Ecology Group, while exploring the possibility of developing other joint activities.”
Through the agreement the DREFF will collaborate, among other things, with the activities of UNIBE’s Environmental Week, held every year in the month of June, and likewise UNIBE will share its venues for screenings, panel discussions and/or workshops during the DREFF, promoting the DREFF’s programming and
initiatives throughout the year among students and teachers.
DREFF aims to raise awareness and deepen the understanding of environmental issues among Dominican audiences. The Festival also celebrates the beauty and diversity of the Dominican Republic’s natural heritage and offers insights into attitudes and actions that will contribute to its appreciation, conservation and sustainable use.
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