Dr. Leonel Fernández Will Deliver Address at Forum “New Grounds for the Relations between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean – Towards a Relevant Partnership” in Hamburg, Germany

September 17, 2012

Today, September 17, Former President of the Dominican Republic and President of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) will deliver an address during the forum “New Grounds for the Relations between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean – Towards a Relevant Partnership,” organized by the European Union-Latin American
Foundation (EU-LAC Foundation), the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and the Andean Development Corporation – Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) in Hamburg, Germany. GFDD and FUNGLODE, in addition to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), have been selected by the EU-LAC Foundation as strategic partners in the region.

The forum, which will conclude tomorrow, September 18, will feature the participation of a wide
selection of participants from various sectors, including academics, high-level officials, opinion makers and entrepreneurs. Key topics of discussion will include the global financial crisis and its impacts, particularly on Europe; the economic and political boom in Latin America; and climate change, among other subject matter.

The program includes interventions from the following experts: Olaf Scholz, First Mayor of Hamburg; Guillermo Fernández de Soto, Director for
Europe, CAF; Detlef Nolte, Acting President of GIGA; Benita Ferrero-Waldner, President of EU-LAC Foundation; José Ignacio Salafranca, Member of European Parliament and Co-President of EU-LAC Foundation; José Ignacio Salafranca, Member of European Parliament and Co-President of EUROLAT; Wolf Grabendorff, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, former Director of the Institute for European-Latin American Relations; Stéphan Sberro, Institute for European Integration Studies, ITAM; Tomás Dupla del Moral,
Director for the Americas European External Action Service; Ricardo Luna, Science Po/ Princeton University; Laurence Whitehead, Oxford University; Mario Pezzini, Director of OECD Development Centre; Jiang Shixue, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Peter Hakim, Inter-American Dialogue; José Antonio Belaunde, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru; Rut Diamint, Torcuato di Tella University; Alberto Pfeifer, Business Council of Latin America, Brazil; Pablo Gómez de Olea Bustinza, Director
General for Iberoamerica, Spain; Alejandro Salas, Transparency International; Carlos Quenan, Institut des Amériques; José Antonio Sanahuja, Complutense University of Madrid; Bert Hoffmann, GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies; and Jorge Valdez, EU-LAC Foundation.

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