Dominican-European Model United Nations Conference Opens
July 20, 2010
On Tuesday July 20, the Dominican Association of the United Nations (UNA-DR) and the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo / Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (FUNGLODE / GFDD) officially opened the first edition of the “Dominican-European Model United Nations Conference (DEUROMUN 2010)” in the Amphithéâtre II of the Law School of the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris,
The inaugural ceremony began with the French and Dominican national anthems presented by Mr. Emil Chireno, Manager of International Projects for the UNA-DR, who also acted as master of ceremony. Following the anthems, Mr. Chireno introduced those seated at the Table of Honor which included Mr. Jean-Claude Colliard, President of the
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; the Dominican Ambassador Ms. Rosa Margarita Hernández de Grullón a Permanent Delegate of the Dominican Republic at UNESCO; Ms. Pilar Sandoval, Executive Director of the UNA-DR; Ms. Yamile Eusebio, Director of FUNGLODE´s Training Activities Program and Director of the GFDD office in New York; Mrs. Acsamary Guzmán; Ministerial Advisor of the Dominican Embassy in France,
Ms. Sra.Bérénice Alcalde of the Youth, Sport and Physical Education Section of UNESCO; Mr. George Attal, FUNGLODE representative in France; Mr. Bernard Yvetot, Vice President of International Development of France Telelcom; Mr. Gil Matos, Director of Recruitment of the Hult International Business School and Ms. Emma Lucila Sanz, Secretary General of DEUROMUN 2010.
Mr. Jean-Claude Colliard, who gave the first speech of the afternoon, stressed that the Sorbonne has seven centuries of educational experience and has expanded its programs focusing currently on art and the different areas of knowledge.
In addition, he spoke about the importance of empowering young people and the importance of gender equality.
Mrs. Berenice Alcalde, representing UNESCO, pointed
to the relevance of young people´s participation in these types of forums and the collaboration of UNESCO and the UNA-DR in the various projects such as DEUROMUN, which has helped strengthened relations between these organizations.
Likewise, Ambassador Rosa Hernández de Grullón motivated and encouraged young people to participate fully and to take advantage of the future. Mr. Bernard Yvetot also demonstrated the interest
France Telecom has in these types of training activities and in education in general.
Mr. Gil Matos congratulated the young people for their participation and talked to them about the facilities this distinguished educational institution will offer all those taking part in DEUROMUN 2010.
Ms. Yamille Eusebio, in the name of
FUNGLODE/GFDD thanked all those present for their active participation in the event. She called on the young people to continue being part of these models that encourage and help them acquire the necessary tools to be global citizens and tomorrow´s leaders.
In her speech, DEUROMUN 2010 Secretary General, Ms. Emma Sanz, underscored the challenge represented by this activity and how it reflects the growth of UNA-DR. She also thanked all UNA-DR members for their
dedication and support for making this conference possible.
Ms. Pilar Sandoval, Executive Director of UNA-DR, read a message sent to the DEUROMUN participants from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in which he said that “taking part in this exercise of the Model United Nations Conference, will make participants fully aware of the complexity of international relations. They will better comprehend the complications of negotiations, the difficulties of reaching
consensus and the patience required to progress in diplomatic issues. This knowledge will help you in all activities you choose in life.”
Finally, with these words and the opening gavel, the Secretary General formally inaugurated the Conference.
Additional documents:
- Tentative
Program for Panel of Experts - Tentative Program of Closing Ceremony
- Biographies of UNESCO Experts