Announcing the 2013 InteRDom Conference: Millennials in the Workplace
October 4, 2013
InteRDom Internships in the Dominican Republic, a program of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), is pleased to present the 8th edition of the annual InteRDom Conference, which will take place October 29-30,
2013 and feature the topic “Millennials in the Workplace.”
Millennials, also referred to as Generation Y, are part of the demographic of young adults born between 1982 and 2002. This generation has characteristics that distinguish it from the previous one, Generation X, because of the historic moment in which they are living. Members of Generation Y have different customs and ideals in that they are coming of age in the digital era and have easy access
to technology. These characteristics cause this group to perform differently in the work environment than previous generations, which is particularly important for executives who wish to achieve efficiency within their organizations in a multigenerational environment.
During the InteRDom Conference the following topics will be highlighted:
- Understanding the demographics and psychography of the new wave of younger
employees. - Identify the highlights and hurdles for the workplace associated with Millennials’ unique characteristics.
- Increase the organization’s position in the employment marketplace by learning how to attract and recruit Millennial candidates.
- Build a comprehensive organizational approach to the professional development and management of a multi-generational workplace.
- Discuss tangible
tools to incorporate Millennials into the workplace to harness their skill sets.
The conference will take place over the course of 2 days and will be organized in the following manner:
Tuesday October 29, 2013. 7:00 p.m.
Rachel Reiser, founder of Generationally Speaking, is a researcher on the inclusion of Millennials in the workplace. Ms. Reiser will officially open the InteRDom Conference
with a keynote speech, open to the public, on Tuesday October 29 at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday October 30, 2013.
There will be a series of workshops to delve deeper into the topic and on developing tools to put into practice within your organization.
3:00 p.m. Workshop: “Communicating to Transform,” to be led by Martha Beato, expert in Coaching.
6:00 p.m. Workshop
“Strategies for Incorporating Millennials into your Organization,” with Rachel Reiser.
Rachel Reiser is the founder and director of Generationally Speaking, an organization that provides consultating to companies to help them define their work strategies in the age of the Millennial Generation. Currently Rachel is the Assistant Dean for the Undergraduate Program at the School of Management at Boston University. She
has researched and written about the demographics and psychographics of the Millennial generation. In 2010 she published her book, “Millennials on Board: The Impact of the Rising Generation on the Workplace.”
Martha Beato holds a degree in education with a specialization in Counseling. She has an MA in couples and sex therapy. She is a Transactional Analyst for Latin America and the United States, certified by the
Latin American Association of Transactional Analysis and the International Analysis Association. Ms. Beato is a Team Coach certified by the International Community Coaching and is a coach for senior management certified by the International School of Coaching (TISOC). She is also a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
For more information and to sign up for the workshops, contact Reyna Rodríguez at (809) 685 9966 ext. 2541 or by email at:
The InteRDom Conference, since its inception, has been characterized for promoting best trends and research on professional development.
InteRDom is an initiative of the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) and its sister organization in the United States, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD). The program promotes
academic exchange between Dominican businesses and international universities and contributes to strengthening the placement of professionals in the labor sector of the country.