Virtual Educa Caribe 2012 Will Be Celebrated in Santiago, Dominican Republic

February 10, 2012

The sixth edition of Virtual Educa Caribe is scheduled to take place March 7-9, 2012 in Santiago, Dominican Republic.

The mission of the international forum is to unite representatives from the public, private and nonprofit sectors of the Caribbean to exchange best practices and lessons learned related to professional training in new technologies, increasing labor force capacity, innovation and sustainable development.
The annual meeting seeks to: create new national and international alliances; foster the multiplication and expansion of successful practices; and construct bases for permanent exchange. Virtual Educa Caribe believes that the establishment of dialogue between agents that play a key role in introducing and applying new technologies and innovative systems is essential to the achievement of effective and fluid implementation.

The 2012 edition of Virtual Educa Caribe
will call attention to the following thematic topics: 1) the new role of educational institutions before a digital world; 2) educators and environmental challenges; 3) innovative trends in teaching and learning; and 4) current perspectives on new technologies applied to education.

The Organizing Committee:

The Organizing Committee of the Caribbean Chapter of Virtual Educa is comprised of distinguished
representatives of the public and private sectors and civil society of the Dominican Republic.

Civil Society and Private Sector Support: Alianza ONG, Asociación Dominicana de las Naciones Unidas de la República Dominicana (ANU-DR), CAPEX, EDUCA, Grupo Estrella, Microsoft, Fundación Sur Futuro

Education Sector Support: Instituto Tecnológico de las
Américas (ITLA), Ministerio de Educación (MINERD), Minsterio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología (MESCYT), Universidad Abierta para Adultos (UAPA), Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), Universidad APEC, Universidad del Caribe (UNICARIBE), Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Universidad INTEC, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU)

Public Sector
: Comisión Nacional de la Sociedad de la Información y la Comunicación (CNSIC), Instituto de Formación Técnico Profesional (INFOTEP), Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL), Oficina Presidencial de Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación (OPTIC)

Schedule of events:

The Inauguration of Virtual
Educa Caribe 2012 will take place at the City Hall in Santiago on March 7 at 5:00 pm.

The Working Sessions of the conference will take place March 8 and 9 at the Universidad Abierta para Adultos in Santiago from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.


To register and coordinate payment for this event, or to acquire additional information, please contact:

Formative Activities
T: 809.685.9966/ F. 809.685.9926

Universidad Abierta para Adultos
T: 809.724.0266, ext. 297, 296

Universities and Professors – RD$800.00
Professionals – RD$1,000.00