August 2011 Launch of English Language Website for Dominican Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Environment, an initiative of GFDD and FUNGLODE

June 16, 2011

In August, 2011, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Foundation Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), will launch the English language website of the Dominican Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Environment. The Dictionary website will contain the most up-to-date and complete information on the country’s environment and natural resources, as well as examine the current state
of the environment in the Dominican Republic and its relationship and impact on other areas vital for its development. 
The Dictionary, which has already launched in electronic format in Spanish, is the result of  several years of intense work carried out by an international team of experts.  The English language website will ensure that the Dominican Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Environment, the first initiative of its kind
in the country, is made available to an even wider audience of students, tourists and all who have an interest in learning more about the DR. The interactive nature of the site will also give its visitors a chance to add information and form a part of the Dictionary community allowing it to effectively become a constantly evolving “work in progress”.
The English version of the website complements the Spanish version, as well as the new
book “The Dominican Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Environment”, which will be launched on July 8, 2011 at The Beatrice Theatre of Manhattan’s School of Visual Arts as part of the program for the Dominican Get-togethers in the Big Apple.
An English version of the print form of the Dictionary is due out later in the year.