GFDD Will Co-Sponsor Panel: “The Role of Science in the Economic Development of the Dominican Republic” at The City College of New York

October 25, 2010

Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) will co-sponsor the panel: “The Role of Science in the Economic Development of the Dominican Republic,” in collaboration with the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute and The Grove School of Engineering on Saturday, November 6, 2010.

The program will feature a presentation by former InteRDom Fellow, Carl Allen, Harvard Kennedy School Graduate. Mr. Allen will present his study
“El Metro and the Impact of Transportation System Integration in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.”

Mr. Allen’s comprehensive study is an analysis of the potential impact of the metro in Santo Domingo on poverty alleviation, congestion, pollution reduction and social and educational development. As an InteRDom Fellow, Mr. Allen conducted research under the guidance of his Fellows Research Advisor, Leonel Carrasco, Sub-Director of OPRET, the
Office for the Reorganization of Transportation. During his time in the Dominican Republic, Mr. Allen interviewed key people in the area of transportation and conducted survey studies of Santo Domingo’s ridership. The outcome of his research is an extensive report on the effects of the metro on the nation’s urban development, which includes recommendations for maximizing societal benefits.

The Harvard Kennedy School student was the first researcher to
participate in the InteRDom Fellows Program. The Fellows Program, a division of GFDD and FUNGLODE’s internship and academic study program InteRDom, was developed in 2009 to respond to the Foundations’ desire to create a community of scholars that contributes to GFDD and FUNGLODE’s growing body of research on matters of international concern that directly impact the Dominican Republic. The initiative complements GFDD and FUNGLODE’s overall mission to
promote academic exchange, generate scholarship, and influence the creation of public policy related to economic and social development both at the national and international level.

The panel will also include presentations by the following distinguished experts:

Dr. Jorge E. González, NOAA-CREST Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Grove School of Engineering, The City
College of New York
“Expansion of Lake Enriquillo: Observations and Environmental Causes”

Dr. Yolanda M. León, Professor
Laboratorio de Percepción Remota, Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), República Dominicana
“Tourism and its Environmental Impact in the Dominican Republic”

Dr. Margaret A. Winslow, Professor of Structural and Engineering Geology, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
The Grove School of Engineering, The City College of New York
“Assessing Seismic Harzards in the North Eastern Region of the Dominican Republic”

Saturday, November 6, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Archives & Library
The City College of New York
North Academic Center, 2nd Floor
138th Street and Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10031

Registration is required.
Register by phone: 212 650 7496
Register online:

Free and open to the public.

See report by InteRDom Fellow, Carl Allen