International Conference of the Americas (CILA) 2018 Will Bring Together in the D.R. Hundreds of Youth from Latin America and the Caribbean

July 26, 2018

The International Conference of the Americas (CILA) is the most transcendental student activity on global issues held in all of Latin America and the Caribbean.  The upcoming CILA 14th annual event is scheduled to take place from October 21-25, 2018, at the Hotel Hard Rock Punta Cana, in the Dominican Republic.

CILA 2018 will become the rallying point for more than 500 young students from various world regions.  The goal is that they may work
together in an atmosphere of diplomacy and cooperation to find solutions to the current challenges faced by the international community.

During the conference, 10 bodies of the United Nations and other multilateral, regional and international institutions will be replicated during the event.  Other activities included in the agenda will be seminars, conferences, workshops and exhibits, as well as social and cultural activities directly related to the United Nations

CILA 2018 will also hold a series of activities parallel to the United Nations Model, including the CILA University Fair, a Seminar-Workshop for Faculty Advisors, the Global Concert and a Cultural Encounter.

The working languages will be Spanish and English.  This initiative of the Dominican Association of the United Nations (ANU-RD) is a joint project carried out with the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo
(FUNGLODE), the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD), and the Mexican Civil Association GlobalMuners.

Committees and Issues:

  1. First Commission of the General Assembly: Disarmament and International Security (AG1)
    Spanish – Education Media – 2 Delegates per Delegation
    • Achieving a World Free of Nuclear Arms: Fast-Tracking Compliance of the Commitments Made Regarding Nuclear Disarmament.
    • Illegal Trade of Small and Light Weapons in all Aspects.
  2. Second Commission of the General Assembly: Disarmament and International Security (AG1)
    – Education Media – 2 Delegates per Delegation

    • Role of the United Nations in Promoting Development Within the Context of Globalization and Interdependence.
    • Cooperation for the Development with Middle Income Nations.
  3. United Nations Environment Assembly

    Spanish – Education Media – 1 Delegate per Delegation
    • Mitigation and Contamination Control in Zones Impacted by Armed Conflicts or Terrorism.
    • Return and Reintegration of Qualified Nationals.

  4. General Assembly of the World Organization on Tourism (UNWTO)
    Spanish  –  Education Media – 1 Delegate per Delegation
    • Tourism and Climate Change: Measures and Strategies to Face Challenge of Changing Climate Conditions.
    • Accesible
  5. World Bank Group (WBG)
    English – High school- 2 Delegates per Delegation
    • Project Proposals.
  6. International Court of Justice (ICJ)
    Spanish – Education Media – 1 Delegate

    • Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention of all Forms of
      Racial Discrimination (Ukraine c. Russian Federation)
    • Compliance with the International Law on the Unilateral Declaration of Independence Relative to Kosovo (Advisory Opinion).
  7. Security Council
    English – High school – 2 Delegates per Delegation
    • The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
    • Maintaining International Peace and Security: Upholding International Law Within the Context of the Maintenance of International Peace and Security.
  8. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
    Spanish – Basic Education – 2 Delegates per Delegation
    • Long-Term Program in Support of Haiti.
    • Special Economic, Humanitarian and Relief Assistance in Disaster Events.

  9. Press Corps
    Spanish – Education Media – 2 Representatives per Media Outlet

    Media outlets from various regions will meet during this important event to provide coverage of this important event through their respective traditional and electronic media platforms (bulletins, blogs, videos, publication in social media
    outlets, etc.). Their mission consists in informing participants on the principle events taking place, the challenges, tensions during the negotiation process, agreements and special moments that occur during the daily work schedule.

    • Coverage of the event.
    • The Role of the Media in Empowering Women and Gender Equality.
  10. Conference of the United Nations on Trade and Development

    Spanish – Higher Education – 1 Delegate per Delegation

    • Multilateral Challenges and Opportunities for Trade and Development.
    • Promotion of Sustained, Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth through Trade, Investment, Financing and Technology to Achieve
      Prosperity for All.

About Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD):
The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD), sister organization of Funglode in the United States is a non-partisan and non-profit organization dedicated to promote the collaboration among organizations in the United States and the Dominican Republic in order to conduct research, enhance public debate, design
public policy, propose strategies and provide training to facilitate change in crucial areas of the social, economic and democratic development of the Dominican Republic, the Caribbean and Latin America.

About the UNA-DR:
The Dominican United Nations Association (UNA-DR) is a nonprofit NGO dedicated to supporting the work of the United Nations and helping to strengthen its mission by coordinating educational and cultural activities to raise
awareness and foster civic involvement. Since 2001, the UNA-DR has designed and implemented mock debates and forums on national, regional, and international issues, impacting more than 60,000 young people in the Dominican Republic and 25 other countries.

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