Register Now For the 2017 “Youth Speak Forum” and Make an Impact on Dominican Society

May 19, 2017

The Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD)/Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode) will be one of the organizing institutions and the host of the 2017 Dominican Republic Youth Speak Forum taking place on June 10 in Santo Domingo. The Youth Speak Forum, which will be held at Funglode headquarters, is a conference and competition for young people to present social proposals or projects that have the potential to benefit Dominican society. The
meeting will also bring together youth leaders, businessmen and women and experts to debate today’s social challenges and to generate ideas about how to solve those problems.

Youth Speak Forum is part of the Global Youth Movement, an effort to to understand young people and how they envision the youngest generation’s role in supporting global sustainable development . Both programs are sponsored by AIESEC, an international platform for youth leaders to
explore leadership opportunities.

Check in for the 2017 DR Youth Speak Forum will begin at 8:30 AM on Saturday, June 10 and will be followed by an agenda full of panel discussions, workshops and project proposal sessions. At the event’s conclusion, three social projects will be recognized as finalists.

Registration for the 2017 Dominican Republic Youth Speak Forum is now open. Cost of registration is 250 Dominican pesos. You can register for
the forum at: