Launch of

November 29, 2005, the new portal of the Dominican Republic , was launched in Santo Domingo at the Vth anniversary celebration of Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo, FUNGLODE. was created by FUNGLODE and its sister
organization in the U.S., Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, GFDD, with the objective of gathering all the information on the Dominican Republic and making it available to the public in the country and to the rest of the world. is the result of the work of Dominican and international professionals, who have designed, programmed, produced and collected information in a rigorous and objective manner, on the Dominican
Republic which, to this date, was scattered in different sources, in an attempt to portray all the different aspects, variety and richness of our country and its people. The work of these professionals was complemented with the contributions of experts and specialists who have volunteered their wisdom and expertise. is a living being in permanent development and evolution. The information therein will be constantly completed and
updated and new chapters will be added in the near future, making it the hub of a virtual international community, the base of educational activities, chats, bulletins, discussions, blogs, etc. An English version will soon be available too. is part of a larger initiative that includes the creation of a virtual university, the Dominican Virtual University, which will offer curses related to the Dominican Republic on line accessible to
anybody any part of the world. >> >> is a website created and implemented by Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo and Global Foundation for Democracy and Development

Speech of presentation

By Natasha Despotovic
Executive Director