Successful Screening of The Mountain at a New York School

June 23, 2014

The main auditorium of the University Neighborhood Middle School (UNMS) in Manhanttan was the setting for the special screening of the film The Mountain. Students, teachers and parents attended the event and enjoyed the screening, which took place last Monday, June 23rd, 2014.

As part of the initiative Dominican Film Showcase of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD), the audience was able to enjoy the inspiring story
of the Dominicans who hoisted the Dominican flag for the first time at the top of Mount Everest. The docudrama, directed by Tabaré Blanchard and Iván Herrera, presents in parallel the interesting career of three young Dominicans from Nizao seeking to climb Pico Duarte, inspired by the news of the feat achieved by Karim Mella, Iván Gómez and Federico Jovine at the other end of the world.

The screening began with the welcoming remarks of two UNMS students who conveyed their joy at being able to present this special screening to the community thanks to the GFDD, and also thanked
the efforts made by its director, Ms. Laura Peynado, for allowing them to enjoy the documentary as the closing activity of the school year.

After the screening, Ms. Peynado highlighted the great efforts made by the students to carry out this activity, which seeks to "provide a space for enjoyment and recreation for the community and where students, parents and teachers can partake". For her part, the Director of the GFDD office in NY, Yamile Eusebio,
thanked those present for their attendance and reiterated the commitment of GFDD to "create partnerships with institutions such as the UNMS for conducting activities where quality Dominican film productions that carry positive messages can be screened."

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