Dominican Film Showcase in Paraguay

May 31, 2014

As part of its initiative, the Dominican Film Showcase, the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) will present on Monday, June 2nd, 2014, the film "Ana’s Struggle", by Dominican film director Bladimir Abud, winner of the Soberano Award for best film in 2013 and the award for best actress, with the extraordinary participation of Cheddy Garcia.

Ana is a poor single mother who earns a living selling flowers at Mercado Nuevo de Duarte, and all she has is a 15 year old son, for whom she struggles to provide him a good education despite their scarce resources. Ironically, the day her child turns 16 years old, tragedy strikes, thereby unleashing "Ana’s Struggle".

The screening
of this film will take place in the Aula Magna of the UniNorte’s Graduate School, with the support of UniNorte and the Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Paraguay.

About Dominican Film Showcase
The Showcase contributes to the dissemination of the best contemporary films produced in the Dominican Republic, by Dominican filmmakers, about Dominican topics. In its mission to promote the knowledge and appreciation for
the Dominican culture, as well as to inspire Dominican filmmakers to reach out internationally, GFDD partners with institutions worldwide and creates opportunities for wide audiences to enjoy art, learn about Dominican culture and engage in conversations with filmmakers.