Second Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) is Huge Success in Puerto Plata

September 10, 2012

From September 6-8, Puerto Plata and Sosúa were converted, for the first time, into screening headquarters for the Second Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF). The event attracted the participation of a large group of students, residents and prominent authorities from the cities, including Eridania Llibre, the Governor of Puerto Plata, and Ilana Newmann, the Mayor of

This initiative of Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) was brought to Puerto Plata by the Clúster Turístico del Destino Puerto Plata (Tourism Cluster Destination Puerto Plata), with the goal of deepening understanding and furthering education on
environmental matters through the presentation of cinematographic productions realized with the aim of encouraging audiences to adopt practices that contribute to environmental sustainability.

The Sosúa Bay Grand Casino, the Fortaleza San Felipe (San Felipe Fortress) and the Asociación Sueños de Colores (Association Dreams in Color) were the venues chosen as screening locations for the 2012 edition of the Festival.


Over 700 students and members of the general public enjoyed the screening of the retrospective film Waste Land at the Sosúa Bay Grand Casino. The film told the story of renowned artist, Vik Muniz, who spends two years living among an inspiring eclectic band of “catadores”, self-designated pickers of recyclable
materials, and in the process learns about their existence in this environment. The film, in the end, offers stirring evidence of the transformative power of art and the alchemy of the human spirit.

During the inaugural act, Jakaira Cid, Executive Director of the Clúster Turístico del Destino Puerto Plata, expressed “The Cluster supports GFDD and FUNGLODE’s commitment to promoting respect and care for the environment and its ecosystems. The Cluster has
decided to join forces with this initiative and to support all of the causes that contribute to a way of life in which nature plays a leading role, and in which the colors green and blue prevail, free of contamination.”

She added that now is the time for the generations of today to educate themselves so that they can leave a legacy of environmental preservation for future inhabitants of the planet.
The Mayor of Sosúa reiterated her support for the
project and expressed her thanks to GFDD and FUNGLODE and Clúster Turístico del Destino Puerto Plata on behalf of the municipality of Sosúa for including the city in such an important initiative that promotes environmental sustainability.

DREFF was represented by Paul Goris, Coordinator of Education and Technology Department of FUNGLODE, expressed his enthusiasm in seeing such a
large audience of interested supporters during the Opening Night Ceremony of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival in Puerto Plata.

Following the screening, the acclaimed Argentine plastic artist, architect, designer, painter, photographer and illustrator Marcelo Ferder, the special invited guest of the evening, spoke about the message of the film and how recyclable materials can be converted into real works of art.

As a symbol of
gratitude, the Municipality of Sosúa bestowed Yamile Eusebio, DREFF Director of Operations, with a special recognition. Mr. Goris expressed thanks on behalf of Ms. Eusebio, who was not able to attend the event.

Friday and Saturday
On September 7 and 8, in San Felipe de Puerto Plata, DREFF presented film screenings at the Asociación Cultural Sueños de Colores and the Puntilla del Malécon, which were attended by a large number
of interested families. Screenings included: Veguted, Waste Land, Discover La Vega: Pride of My Land and The Whale.

The Festival in Puerto Plata concluded with the presentation of the film The Whale and a panel discussion featuring the participation of producer Michael Parfit, director Suzanne Chisholm and marine mammal specialist, Oswaldo Vásquez. The panel of
experts urged audience members to preserve the beaches and oceans, emphasizing that these are habitat to many marine species, including whales that winter along the northern coasts of the country to reproduce and care for their calves.

The Second Dominican Republic Film Festival took place in 7 cities and 12 venues in the Dominican Republic.

Prepared by the Press Department of the Cluster Túristico de Puerto Plata.